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IDC released the top 50 inventory of medical technology companies in 2017: the largest number of U.S.

IDC released the top 50 inventory of medical technology companies in 2017: the largest number of U.S....

Publish:2017-10-02 11:06

50多年来,国际数据公司 (IDC, International Data Corporation)致力于收集和分析IT行业的数据与全球医疗IT公司的收入信息, 凭借长期以来的IDC FinTech排名方法,IDC Health Insights的全球分析师团队...

"Top 10 medical science and technology innovation in 2017", microbiology shows "extraordinary s

"Top 10 medical science and technology innovation in 2017", microbiology shows "extraordinary s...

Publish:2017-10-02 11:05


China's medical service is the world's number one, the number of health care workers in the world?

China's medical service is the world's number one, the number of health care workers in the world? ...

Publish:2017-10-02 11:03

中国医疗服务总量世界第一, 医疗质量进步幅度居全球前列 8月15日,国家卫计委有关负责人表示,中国医疗服务总量位居世界之首,医疗质量和医疗服务能力显著提升,医疗质量和可...

The top ten new changes in China's medical industry!

The top ten new changes in China's medical industry! ...

Publish:2017-10-02 11:03

一、医学将回归精英教育:花样学制将逐步被统一! 在7年制退出历史舞台之后,据《看医界》获悉,前不久,中国医学教育又迎来重大改革, 国务院办公厅公布《关于深化医教协同进...

Sharing health care, traditional hospitals have been hit hard, or have they been disrupted?

Sharing health care, traditional hospitals have been hit hard, or have they been disrupted? ...

Publish:2017-10-02 11:02

导 语 一场场变革,正以迅雷不及掩耳之势推进!传统医疗模式真的会被颠覆吗? 从满大街的共享单车,到共享充电宝,再到共享雨伞、共享汽车共享经济成为眼下的热词。 目前,共享...
